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"Rudeness is a weak man's imitation of strength"- Eric Hoffer
Be kind to all. A smile does not cost a thing..:)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Reflection on the oral presentation 2

The second oral presentation came as an end to our one-month-old campaign on spreading awareness about the link between ones diet and global warming. Our team was the last to present our ideas and solutions to the problem we had come up with. We presented last Thursday. This gave us a lot of time to prepare for the presentation.While compiling the presentation slides, we realized how much work we had done in this one month time, as there was so much to present on. There was a large number of slides, compiled together only after the assent of all the group members. This made our slides interesting enough to attract the audience's attention and the flow came out pretty well while presenting.

The presentation went well. I could clearly see an improvement over the first presentation in all my group mates. Kai Ren was our leader throughout the campaign. He is a vegan himself and is extremely passionate about diet related issues that are responsible for the warming of the earth. He convinced each one of us that there is a link between ones diet and global warming before we started our work. This gave us a belief in the project which could be seen while we were presenting our ideas and solutions to the problem. We managed to answer all the questions that were put before us by the panel of judges confidently.
We practiced each person's part as a group only once and this might have been the reason why there was a problem in switching  presenters every time. I strongly believe that each one of us is capable of doing much better if we improve on areas like grammatical errors in speech.

Comparing with the others groups I felt that our presentation exceeded the time limit of 20 minutes by only a few minutes while others took over 45 minutes to finish. I hope we get some benefit for this!
I am very proud of all my group mates for their dedication and commitment that made this project possible. We bonded well during the construction of the displays and conducting interviews and came to know each other well. I think this helped in the division of the slides among us as we knew each other's strengths and weaknesses.
 Seeing my individual performance, I feel that I became more nervous when I faced the class than I was before. I managed to present but I know that it was not my best. I was carrying cards to remember the points during the presentation and in reading from the cards, I forgot to change the slides on time as I did not look at the screen at all.These small errors made me even more nervous while presenting but there was one thing I managed to remember which was to "keep talking", as Ms Brenda always tell us.
Sadly, there is no CG1413 for the cows shown in the left!


Michael Loh said...

Hi Geetika,
I find that you managed to present rather well despite the fact that you were not that well prepared. Although you kept looking at your cards, you managed to deliver your points clearly and concisely which is the most important part. I am sure with more practice, you can do away with the cards altogether.
I agree with you that our group did not rehearse enough as there were problems switching speakers. Other than that, I also find that we managed to divide the slides such that everyone’s strong points were shown.
Last but not least, I had an enjoyable time working with you.

Le Minh Duc said...

Hi Geetika,

I also agree with Michael that though you said you were not well prepared, you did it really well. I knew that some times during your presentation, you felt nervous and get lost when you can not control seeing the cards and changing slides in time, such weakness is common for every presentation. I think by practicing a lot, you can improve that definitely.

Back to our group performance, we can switch speakers better if we can finish slides earlier and prepare for rehearsal. We can also print out some survey forms to help audience understand our project clearly.

Lastly, I really enjoy working with you!


Hoang Duy said...

Hi Geetika,
Again, it is my pleasure to read your post. It is really well-organized!
About the performance, as you said, I also hope that we can get some benefits from taking the presentation on time haha. Besides, I think it is important to finish the slides earlier, two or three days before the deadline, in order to have more chances to work together.

In my opinion, you seemed a little nervous on that day, but that did not prevent you from having a good presentation at all! I think you really did a good job, Geetika.

Like the picture and the last sentence :)).
Hope we can work with you next time.


kairen88 said...

Hi Geetika,

We certainly worked hard for this project and I think the outcome was well worth the effort. I agree that the presentation was well planned as we were able to cover the important aspects of the project while trying to keep to the time limit.

You mentioned that you were rather nervous during the presentation and forgot some of your speech in the process. However, I thought that you were able to continue the flow of the presentation quite well and was able to explain the process of the project despite your initial nervousness. I do think the fact that your portion of the presentation being the shortest was a contributing factor as there wasn't much time to settle in before the conclusion of your part. Perhaps we could have covered more of the project such as contacting the various departments to have our displays put up.

Lastly, I find your reflection of the presentation as well as the point of improvements identified accurate. I would like to have read more of your personal reflection about the presentation and perhaps contrast with the experience of your first presentation.

I hope you enjoyed the project as much as we did and would like to thank you for your effort and support during the project. It was a pleasure working with all of you and please feel free to contact me via email or through our facebook group should you have any questions about our project topic or simply to keep in touch.

Be Veg . Go Green . Save the Planet .
Kai Ren

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