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"Rudeness is a weak man's imitation of strength"- Eric Hoffer
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Reflection on the first group meeting

It was my second experience of a group meeting that was being video tapped. The first one being with my blogging group mates, a result of sheer miscommunication!
Our CG1102 assignment is based on the development of a software system. We are divided into groups of three. My team mates are Long and Jeisern. It is my first hand at such highly technical software development project. Both nervous and excited at the commencement of the journey after Lab 3 assignment was announced,  we decided to have a meeting as soon as possible. 10th February 6.00pm was chosen as the meeting date and time respectively and PGP meeting room was decided as the venue.

We chose Jeisern as the leader of our group and decided the Agenda before meeting up. The meeting went well. Before discussing our ideas regarding the assignment, Jeisern made sure that all of us have understood the question. Then he explained his idea and both long and I contributed our ideas to come up with the API and the UI design.
The assignment required us to divide the task as attempting the problem alone would make one fail other modules! This was clearly mentioned in the four pages long question! This idea strengthened our team spirit as we realized that one cannot do without the other. Long seemed confident in the designing of the User Interface while Jeisern was comfortable with the API. I was given the task of writing the report. The notion of team spirit and observing how enthusiastic all my team mates were made me more responsible towards the task I was given.
I was also asked to take the minutes of the meeting so I made sure I would write all the essential details to later e-mail them whatever was discussed.

Last but not the least was the discussion on the oral presentation. We talked about how to go about it. However, Long suggested that we should first complete our individual tasks and compile the final report. Jeisern was going home for Chinese new year so we decided to conduct a second meeting after all of us have attempted the given task and when he comes back. We decided on a deadline for the submission of our work to each other.
Long's friend Le Vi Thanh helped us video tape the entire meeting. The meeting was a good experience and I learned a lot about how a team works. The division of task and observing the commitment of my team mates reduced the pressure on me and made me more confident about the project.


Hoang Duy said...

Hi Geetika,
Through all your 4 posts, I agree that your writing attracts people, and I think I can learn something from your posts. Your post is clear and well-organized. Reading your post I can imagine how your meeting was going and I can agree that it went well.
However, if you wrote more about problems that you guys had to faced in the meeting, I think the post would be better.


Michael Loh said...

Dear Geetika
I find that you did a good job for this post. You managed to clearly state the roles of each person in your group and what happened during the meeting. Your post is also well structured and easy to read.
Good job on creating an agenda before the meeting started. This will significantly improve your efficiency for the meeting as the group will know what to focus on. Besides that, your group was prepared logistically, so I am sure your meeting went rather smoothly.
Overall, I find your post a bit descriptive. Maybe you can add how this meeting can be improved on or the difficulties (if any) faced during the meeting.


Le Minh Duc said...

I also find your post very clear and complete.
First of all, it is commendable for your group to have an agenda before the meeting so every member can prepare well. By doing this, your meeting is more effective because each member know their own task.

Secondly, I feel that the delegation in your group went smoothly. Though your group leader went home for the Chinese New Year, your group still effectively finished the given task.

However, it is better if you can include some challenges that your group may face while doing this project. Besides, you can give some your reflections about your teammate and how you interact with them by using communication skills learnt.

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